Our goal is to continue broadening our amniotic wound care product lines to ensure more people can benefit from these advanced treatment solutions. The newest of the Tides Medical wound care products is MLG Complete.

MLG Complete is a natural, safe, and supported multi-layer tissue allograft—this amniotic tissue graft retains total thickness, is minimally manipulated, and is minimally processed. There are no harsh mechanical and chemical washes before sterilization, preserving the naturally occurring content. 

MLG Complete Product Features

The MLG-Complete wound care product has many attractive features, including but not limited to: 

  • 5-year shelf life from date of manufacturing.
  • Adheres easily to wounds of all shapes and sizes. 
  • Safe and easy to use. 
  • Full thickness allowing for easy handling. 
  • Compliant with FDA regulations and AATB Standards.

What makes MLG Complete different from other wound care products?

With Tides Medical and MLG Complete, you can be confident in the effective, naturally occurring components of birth tissues to treat your patients’ chronic wounds and feel supported with personalized reimbursement assistance from our team. To work with Tides Medical, contact us today. We would be happy to provide more information about MLG Complete or any other Tides Medical product.